
Loria Kutch
1 min readNov 13, 2017

I read the following article a few months ago, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since:

It’s longer than I remember it being, and it covers a wide variety of reasons that most women don’t become CEOs. However, the majority of the article is not the reason I’m starting this blog today. The part that’s really sticking with me is this anecdote about confidence and expertise:
“A presenter asked a group of men and women whether anyone had expertise in breast-feeding. A man raised his hand. He had watched his wife for three months. The women in the crowd, mothers among them, didn’t come forward as experts.”

I’m a woman. I’ve been a technical writer for ten years. Before that, I was a network engineer, a system administrator, and a tech support rep. If I attend a conference where a presenter asks whether anyone has expertise in technical communication… I’m raising my hand.

This post is hopefully the first of many. I plan to share my expertise and insights on all the things that I find interesting about technology, writing, and writing about technology.



Loria Kutch

Any opinions expressed here are mine. There is no affiliation between my work and my blog.